The Way of Humanity: Confucian Wisdom for an Opening World

SKU: 9781936153268P
SKU: 9781936153268
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 The Way of Humanity, second edition, presents a Confucian vision for personal and social transformation intended to bring about a worldwide social order of harmony, dignity, and justice for all peoples, beyond divisive sectarianism and nationalism. It is based on ideals for human flourishing gleaned from Confucian and Neo-Confucian thought as distilled by a highly respected elder philosopher in the Republic of Korea, Yi Dong Jun, PhD (Haengchon, literary name). He is Professor Emeritus of the College of Confucian Studies and Eastern Philosophy at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul.

The Way of Humanity is the first detailed presentation of a contemporary Korean philosopher’s perspective on Confucianism as grounded in daily life, its implications for personal spiritual development, and its potential for world development. The book holistically presents Master Haengchon’s insights through vivid stories, philosophical essays, numerous illustrations, audio recordings of Confucian chanting, recommendations for further reading, and, new to the second edition, poems inspired by Confucian classics about ideals for an opening of the world to wellbeing and justice for all peoples.

The author, Edward R. Canda, PhD, is Professor Emeritus in the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare. Dr. Canda has been exploring connections between Confucian philosophy and contemporary social welfare for more than 40 years under the guidance of Master Haengchon. In 2013, the Council on Social Work Education (USA) conferred Dr. Canda with the Significant Lifetime Achievement Award for his prolific and trailblazing work on the role of religion and spirituality in human development.

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