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Digital access Instructions



Access Instructions:

Following your Vitalsource purchase, you will receive an email from kubookstore@ku.edu with an activation link(s). This access email will be sent to you whether you make the purchase in-store or online. The link(s) will either prompt you to create an account, or prompt you to login, depending on whether you have previously purchased from VitalSource.

This email will have a subject line of:

Online Purchase: “First/Last Name, Digital Access Granted (SOXXXX)

In-Store Purchase: “First/Last Name, Digital Access Granted (INVXXXX)

Click the link in your activation email to begin the activation process. You MUST use the EXACT email from which you received the access link. Vitalsource does not recognize KU alias emails. Using any other email will result in access delays.

Enter your CORRECT email address to sign into Bookshelf or to create a new account (first time user).

If you are a first time user and have not activated your account, it will prompt you to enter your email address and create a password to complete account registration.


If you had a Vitalsource account associated with your “ku.edu” email address previously, and do not remember your password, you can reset your password HERE.

Following the password reset, you may need to select “Update Library” from the tools menu once signed into your Bookshelf: Navigate to Tools > Update Library. Following this update, your eBooks should be in your library.

If you have followed these steps and are still unable to access your book(s) from Vitalsource, you can email Vitalsource Support at support@vitalsource.com or email us at textbook@ku.edu.


Access Steps:

1. Go to: https://kubookstore.redshelf.com

2. Click on "Log-in" (upper right corner)

3. If you're a New User or have forgotten your password, select "Forgot Password".

4. Request a password reset (even if you're new to Redshelf). You MUST use the EXACT email from which you received the access link. Redshelf does not recognize KU alias emails. Using any other email will result in access delays.

5. An email will be sent to the email entered to reset the password.

6. After resetting, use the new credentials to login and get access to your book.

If you have followed these steps and are still unable to access your book(s) from Redshelf, email us at textbook@ku.edu.